Zero Conditional
Understanding the Zero Conditional Tense
What is the Zero Conditional?
Examples of Zero Conditional
Here are some zero conditional example sentences. All these examples are zero conditional sentences which express a general truth.
- If water reaches 100 Celsius, it boils.
- If you eat a lot, you put on weight.
- If I’m tired, I go to bed early.
- If it doesn’t rain, plants don’t grow.
- If the weather is nice, I bike to work.
- If the dog barks, it scares the cat.
- If people exercise, they feel better.
- When she goes shopping, she buys expensive clothes.
- When we eat out, we go to a nice restaurant.
- When you take a test, you need a pen.
- When you arrive tardy, there are consequences.
- When you drive too fast, you get a speeding ticket.
- When people get angry, they don’t think correctly.
- When you bring your phone to class, it needs to be on silent.
- When you take the test, you cannot use a calculator.
Usage of Zero Conditional
Common Mistakes
Mixing past or future tenses.
- Incorrect: If you heated water, it boils.
- Correct: If you heat water, it boils.
In the zero conditional, both clauses are in the present tense. A common mistake is to use ‘will’ in the main clause:
- If people eat too much, they get fat.
they will get - Water boils when it reaches 100°C.
it will reach